Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I started this blog a little over a year ago. Wow, how time flies! This year for Mother's Day, Ailish brought home a cute little plant and this wonderful craft! I LOVE THIS! I think it's amazing to see how much her writing has changed since she started school.
This is so precious to me!
We started our piggie planters again this year. I took the girls to the nursery and left them run around picking their own flowers. They like to play in the dirt and look at the flowers. They watch them grow and water them everyday.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

Hershey Gardens is beautiful this time of year. The late tulips are still blooming and the azaleas are in full bloom! We took the girls this past Sunday to run off some extra energy and soak in the sunny day. We got more than we bargained for when it rained a little, but that didn't stop us. We enjoyed the rain just as much as the sun. There's a children's garden that's full of statues the kids can climb on and musical instruments to play with. We fully enjoyed the hedge maze shaped like a pretzel. The butterfly house wasn't open yet so we chased rabbits under the trees and looked for birds. We were so tired after all that fun!